Created for Flight Schools, ATO’s and other training organizations

Are you a flight school, ATO or other training organization?
Do you want to increase the assessment chances of your students by 90%?
If yes, click here to sign up to PASS Business today!
PASS, short for Pilot Assessments, is an online pilot assessment preparation platform that supports aspiring aviators, such as yourself or your students, to pass their assessment. The PASS platform has been developed for all experience levels ranging from inexperienced flight school candidates to experienced pilots applying at an airline company.
PASS is the most complete all-in-one pilot assessment and pilot aptitude test preparation platform available. It covers all parts of your assessment and the steps you need to take to prepare and PASS your assessment.
Click here to contact the PASS Business Support Team today and let us assist your students in letting their dream take-off!
Looking for a solution to assess your own pilot candidates?

Are you part of an airline or flight school and looking for a solution to assess your own pilot candidates?
At PASS we recommend PILOT-360!
PILOT-360 is the most efficient and cost effective way to ensure the psychometric ability of a candidate for successful training and a successful airline career.
Frequently asked questions

How does PASS Business work?
After subscribing your company to PASS Business, you will have access to your subscribed amount of packages in your PASS Business dashboard. You can now add your students to the package they need to prepare for their assessment.
Do you offer discount if we subscribe to a higher amount of packages?
Yes, we do, contact the PASS Business Support Team now!
Developed by actual airline assessment professionals

Our team consists of airline professionals who were once enthusiastic assessment candidates ourselves. We know what it is like to be in your, or your student’s, shoes!
Developed, maintained, and updated by a qualified group of airline assessors, PASS equips you with comprehensive testing tools needed to prepare for your airline assessment. We emulate realistic assessment conditions to help you identify your weaknesses and optimize critical aviation competencies and skills like:
Logical thinking
Critical thinking
Decision making
Perceptual capacity
Spatial orientation
Eye-hand coordination
Multitasking ability
Stress tolerance
Mental arithmetic
Problem solving
Workload management
Situational awareness
Reasoning skills
PASS offers:

- Psychometric Tests
Access psychometric tests that cover the critical competencies for primary assessment test providers, like AON/Cut-E, ADAPT, COMPASS, PILAPT and Mollymawk.
- Pilot Assessments with Technical Interviews and Tests
Prepare yourself with our airline specific interview and test questions including explanations.
- ATPL Training covering all major ATPL subjects
Study our 1160 carefully selected questions with detailed explanations to ensure that your ATPL knowledge is above standard.
- Reasoning Tests
To optimize your reasoning skills, the PASS dashboard offers the following tests:
Abstract & Logical Reasoning
Inductive Logical Reasoning
Inductive Logical Thinking
Deductive Logical Reasoning
Diagrammatic Reasoning & Raven Test
Syllogisms (Logical Deduction)
Mechanical Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Cube Folding
Number Series
- Mathematics, Physics and Aviation English
We have carefully selected 100+ Mathematics, 100+ Physics and 100+ Aviation English questions that cover all subjects in various difficulty levels.
- HR Interview Training
The human resource interview training has been developed to make the candidate understand how to answer questions and why the interviewer may ask the question. This way, the candidate will be able to tailor the answer to his or her specific background to give the best suitable answer.
And more:

- PASS Performance Planner
Access the PASS Performance Planner which contains all performance goals for each test. Our assessment experts have defined this performance goal (shown as an orange line) to help candidates measure their progress. When this PASS performance goal is reached, it will be indicated by the word PASS or the PASS logo. The PASS Performance Planner on the front page of the dashboard will report total comparative progress for goals selected.
- Compare scores with other users
The candidate’s score of each test is displayed in his or her own personal graph. This graph includes the average score line of all other users and a real-time score display of other users. The scores of other users are shown as a blue line. Gauge your progress by comparing your scores with others. Go ahead and compare your own score against the score of other candidates!
- Mobile friendly
The PASS platform is mobile-friendly, so take PASS on the go!
- 24/7 support
Experiencing any turbulence? The PASS Support team is 24/7 reachable for support, questions and feedback.