Airline Selection Programme – eLearning Course

Recommended for all airlines.
Offered and organized by our partner.
Participate in Airline Selection Programme (ASP), from the comfort of your home.
How will Airline Selection Programme benefit me?
ASP was designed by a former B777 Captain who also worked in the recruitment department of a major airline. It is, in our mind essential will help you:
– understand HR processes and what the recruiter is actually trying to achieve
– understand the key competencies assessed by any airline and by the recruiter
– position yourself accordingly, using your personality and experience to your advantage
– come to your final interview prepared with a full reflection over your career
– give the recruiter a clear understanding of why they should hire you
A well prepared candidate makes fewer mistakes, knows to avoid selection pitfalls, and makes a much better impression. This is what you will learn at ASP.
But that’s not all, ASP includes an Original 16 PF paid personality questionnaire, the same used by many major airlines. A full, personal, 1 to 2h debrief will be given to all candidates.
*** New : Now available as eLearning ***
You can either attend at select ATOs, or do the e-Learning, which also includes, for each participant a 2h personal debrief with the founder.
Ideal if you can’t come to an ATO course, or if you’ve got an assessment coming up.
With ASP eLearning, you get :
– 8 in depth video Modules
– 7 hours of high quality content
– Instant, unlimited access
– A professional handout
– Airline research sheets
– 16 PF questionnaire
– 1 to 2h personal debrief
– And much more to come…
The modules are as follows :
Module 1
– Key Competency Framework
– Recruitment Matrix
Module 2
– Essential company information
– Preparation and Mindset
Module 3
– Psychometric tests
– The time you need to prepare
Module 4
– Sim Assessment
– Decision models
– Intervention models
– Workload Management models
Module 5
– Group exercise practice
– Strategies for success
Module 6
– HR Profiling and personality questionnaires
– Knowing yourself is key
Module 7
– Advanced Interview
– Experience sheet
– Classic Interview
– Hybrid Interview
Module 8
– Simulated questions
– Using the model at all times for success
Note :
ASP eLearning includes the 16 PF personality questionnaire.
Our partner is also giving away a free e-Book about the 10 things you should know about airline selections and will provide more tips and free education for their members.
For more information, please visit the website of our partner.